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Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Retold BLOODY fairytales


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As I sit here and rock out to my Sparrow Inspired Spotify playlist, I realize that I now have added to the pressure in my life by telling some of my classes about my blog.  I will also now have to follow that up by attaching it to my school website.  This will hopefully lead to more comments, interactions, and of course reading of books which is always the objective.  

Now back to the books at hand, Retold Bloody Fairy Tales.  There are many.  It seems to be a new genre of taking fairy tales and twisting them into something different and slightly new but with the comfort of a well known story.  I want to highlight two that I really enjoyed.  They are not for the faint of heart.  With that warning, let's bring out the contenders.  

Image result for tales dark and grimm 
In this corner, we have A Tale Dark and Grimm by Adam Gidwitz.  
The narrator is your guide through this dark and twisted tale through the well known story of Hansel and Gretel which takes a completely different turn in order to interact with some lesser well known tales.  He warns you that it will get bloody and violent and boy does he deliver.  It is way over the top but in its extreme nature the reader is able to take comfort in the reactions of the main characters.  I often recommend this book to both reluctant readers and full-fledged book alcoholics.  Book trailer attached below.

Vassa in the Night

In the other corner, we have Vassa in the Night by Sarah Porter.  This book is not for the faint of heart or those who don't enjoy a challenge.  

Based on a Russian folktale called Vassilissa the Beautiful, this story centers around Vassa who starts off as a lonely orphan living with her stepmother and two "ugly" stepsisters.  In this pseudo futuristic Brooklyn, Vassa is sent for a seemingly ordinary item, light bulbs, but not to an ordinary store.  Baba Yag is the local one stop shop for everything.  Unfortunately it also has the tendency to behead shoplifters and has thrown a couple innocent people into the mix as well.  
Vassa with a death wish in one hand and a cute little Russian doll in the other is determined to take on this store, one dismembered hand at a time.  

This is one weird awesome read.  I can't tell you how much I enjoyed it, but don't feel bad if it isn't up your alley.  

Speaking of what you like to read . . .   What retold fairy tale have you really enjoyed?  Comment here and stay tuned for a new feature, podcasts, all centered around retold fairy tales. 

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